What format should you use to promote your branded podcast on Facebook?


What format should you use to promote your branded podcast on Facebook?

Although young people shun it like the plague - in favor of Instagram or Snapchat - Facebook remains a social networking staple.


Source: Harris Interactive study - French Internet users aged 15 and over.

So even if you're not targeting 13-15 year-olds, don't ignore Facebook.

Choose the video format on Facebook

Over 500 million users watch videos on Facebook... every day! There's no need to belabor the point... Video should be the format of choice on Facebook to promote your podcast, with an average organic (i.e. unpaid) engagement rate of 6.13%. Not impressive? Well, it's the format that generates the most engagement on the platform at the time of writing (March 2021), and no other format seems likely to take its throne.Strange to say, and yet: on Facebook, your podcast must be seen to be listened to!

What type of video should I use on Facebook?

Now that we've got the other formats out of the way, I can see you looking for video ideas to promote your podcast on Facebook.Opt for a graphic style that stands out from the crowdThegoal isn't to blend in with the crowd, let alone look like your competition. On the contrary, your video needs to stand out from the crowd as your potential listener strolls through his or her news feed.Your "crea" (understand graphic creation) needs to be recognizable among thousands like :

  • A voice for a singer,
  • A style for a dancer,
  • A unique smell for a gastronomy (Think of an Indian restaurant and the smell of a "Cheese Nan", yes I'm hungry!).

Example - Dior Joaillerie - Dior Talks:[video width="364" height="580" mp4="https://www.calliope-agency.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/DIOR_POST_45_V3.mp4"][/video]Offer video content of your podcast recordingUnique content... I said unique content, oh yeah! (To be read with the voice of Aya Nakamura)Film the recording sessions of your podcast episodes. Create short clips (maximum 2 mins) to promote your podcast.Example - L'Alternance de A à Z - CFA IGS:[video width="980" height="420" mp4="https://www.calliope-agency.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/CFA-IGS.mp4"][/video]Re-publish your content created to promote your podcastFacebookis also an excellent platform for reusing the unique content you've already created to promote your podcast.To do this :

  • Take back this content,
  • Download the video,
  • Add a humorous caption,
  • Pin the publication to the top of your News Feed.

This way, as soon as a new user lands on your page, they're greeted with entertaining content and another reason to stay.


Promote your videos on Facebook groups (Niche)Right now, the power of Facebook - apart from advertising - lies in its groups. If Facebook were a party, Facebook groups would be the kitchen and its famous "counter-party".there are millions of Facebook groups, but above all niche groups in which you'll find your audience. The one that :

  • Is interested in the topics covered in your podcast
  • Has a problem to solve that your podcast solves.


Facebook is entering the audio market, and is now offering a dedicated podcast tab for Facebook pages! Only available in the U.S. for the moment, by the end of this year in Europe, it will finally be possible to integrate podcasts directly onto your Facebook page.Want more? Check out our dedicated article on the best formats for promoting your branded podcast on Instagram!






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